Call of duty world at war nazi zombies free maps
Call of duty world at war nazi zombies free maps

call of duty world at war nazi zombies free maps

Unlike the original version, players can change the difficulty to either Recruit, giving the player more health, or Regular, the difficulty for all other versions of the game.

call of duty world at war nazi zombies free maps

The goal of the game is the same as the original game mode, to survive the infinite hordes of zombies for as many rounds as possible. The name was later changed again to its current name.Ĭall of Duty: ZOMBIES HD, available only on the iPad, contained the maps Nacht der Untoten and Verrückt upon purchase. Also the price of the app dropped from US $9.99 to US $4.99 (In Europe €3,99). The app also changed its name to Call of Duty: ZOMBIES. On September 30, 2010, an update included Der Riese for free, and made all previous maps free as well (no refunds were given for previous downloads). Nacht Der Untoten is downloadable through Call of Duty: World at War: Zombies II for the price of US$4.99/£2.99, but buying this map would make the two apps the same. It is the same app as the original, but instead comes with Shi No Numa instead of Nacht der Untoten, saving the user US$4.99/£2.99 if they were only going to play Shi No Numa. On June 3, 2010, Call of Duty: World at War: Zombies II came out for the iPhone and iPod Touch. On June 2, Shi No Numa was released for the same price. On February 11, 2010, Verrückt became available for in-app purchase for US$4.99/£2.99. More maps used to be available by purchasing DLC (Downloadable Content), but now can be taken for free through updates. Similar to grenade indicators, enemy indicators have been added into the game to make up for the lack of surround sound. Gameplay is very similar to other games featuring Zombies mode, especially World at War, but there are some exceptions, such as slower gameplay (enemies don't run as fast), less sounds, and reduced graphics to make the gameplay smooth. This game only features Zombies mode, with the maps Nacht Der Untoten, Shi No Numa, Verrückt and Der Riese.

Call of duty world at war nazi zombies free maps