It offers master control of some effects but the sound selection is particularly intriguing. SyndtSphere, a free synth offering from the company, is kind of unusual compared to the other two plugins on this list. With a unique and minimalist approach to instrument and mixing plugins, you’ll most likely be equally inspired by the look of these plugs as you are the sounds. Run by a small team of Swedish creatives, Klevgrand is a new company that our team is particularly excited about.

On the topic of presets, “PV Oddy Wow” responds particularly well to the JS Studio and is perfect for laying down some funky or jazzy Herbie Hancock style leads. With two oscillators and two LFO’s, analog-style ADSR, and more presets than you could ever use, Tyrell N6 is perfect for hardware geeks or preset flippers. Initially conceived as a low-cost hardware unit modeled after the legendary Juno 60, the project eventually found a home as a beautiful piece of virtual analog freeware. While they have a handful of different synths available for free download, today we’re going to highlight specifically Tyrell N6. It’s flagship soft synth “Zebra” has been adopted by many high profile creators, most notably Hans Zimmer (for Dark Knight & Dark Knight Rises). German tech company U-he has been consistently releasing high quality and unique products for around 20 years. Looking for some new free plugins to stay creative with? Here are 3 synths to get you started quickly using the Jamstik!